Our platform offers a lot more features to help you take control of how your online orders are taken as well as how and how much customers are charged.
Control capacity
You can limit or increase the amount of orders that come in at a specific time.
Charging to room
You can charge orders to a room, if you have a connected point-of-sale.
Notice for new orders
Give your kitchen advanced notice on all online orders.
Collection or delivery*
Offer customers the choice of collection or delivery* for their order.
Discount codes
Have the option to discount customer baskets.
Stock tracking
We track all orders against stock levels set at the menu item level.
New order alerts
Get alerted with a visual and audio alert, whenever a new order is received.
Order statuses
Set different statuses for orders so that front of house and the kitchen know the exact state of an order.
* Delivery is not handled by TablePath